Q&A with SEM
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is the national museum of ethnology was founded in 1923. As the central museum of ethnology in Slovenia, it has knowledge in co-creative formation of exhibitions with practitioners, adaptation of the exhibition to vulnerable groups, and creation of interactive content for children for both Slovene and non-European collections. The museum has been actively involved in the implementation of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for more than a decade. We have asked SEM four questions about their experience with the project so far.
What are your institution's goals for this project and how do you plan to achieve them?
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum (SEM) is a museum that researches and taking care for both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In this project, we want to expand the field of research and connect even more closely with people / communities in the field who safeguard and live with dance heritage. We will try to achieve this through fieldwork, cooperation and participation in the preparation of the exhibition.
What are your thoughts on the project per now?
We believe that the project is well conceived, especially the selection of partners in the project, who come from countries with different cultural backgrounds, different institutions (museums, institutes, archives). Because we are so different, we will all be able to learn many new things from each other.
Have you learned something new?
Until now, we have not been actively involved in the study of dances and choreology in SEM. This is a new research field for us, which we are happy to learn about and learn from other partners in the project.
What is your institution's contribution to this project and it's consortium?
The Slovene Ethnographic Museum follows contemporary museological trends, and at the same time takes care of the implementation of the UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Slovenia (together with the Ministry of Culture). Therefore, we can contribute our knowledge in the field of museology and intangible cultural heritage.